Monday, November 19, 2007

To begin or not to begin?

As is typical for me, when faced with any situation, a myriad of questions come at me. So deciding on starting my blogging journey was no different.

Should I? Well, why not but then again, why?
If so, then what would I write of? That which I know or that which I want to know?
And why a blog? Why not just write in a diary or personal notebook? Why post it into the ether?

As I mentioned, my life is seemingly one long interrogation- of my self, the world I live in and the people I share it with. Yet those questions are so rarely followed through with any great dedication to finding an answer, soI am invariably left unfulfilled.

The phenoma that is blogging is curious to me. The motivations to blog are obviously many and varied, and I find them all fascinating, given my own interest in how our behaviours are influenced by the many factors in our lives.

What do I know? Well, I know that the things I do know amount to a tiny fraction of that which could be known. Which is in turn both encouraging and depressing.

I have come to the conclusion that blogging is one way in which I can allow my thoughts, however creative or destructive, to be written down and that very action may provide some sort of cathartic solution.

Deep down, whether we acknowledge it or not, we all want to be firstly accepted, and secondly loved, for who and what we are.